
Say Bye to Unwanted Fat

2022 07 23 14 17 27 1658611062


Age: 36
Weight Before Treatment: 143
Weight After Treatment: 144
Total Treatments: 3

“I used to be a little heavier and my double chin was really obvious. But even after I lost the weight, it was still there.”

B6DEA467 53C7 42F8 93C2 67D6E801 1


Age: 48
Weight Before Treatment: 186
Weight After Treatment: 186
Total Treatments: 6

A1774BD8 CCA6 40C3 8D6A 25C5BE05


Age: 46
Weight Before Treatment: 189
Weight After Treatment: 183
Total Treatments: 4

BD04F9C9 C174 42B8 A1E5 1D9EA2ED


Age: 36
Weight Before Treatment: 180
Weight After Treatment: 178
Total Treatments: 6

Why Kybella?

Double chins and unwanted areas of fat are not always a result of being overweight, but are often a result of genetics. Despite your age, genetic makeup, or body composition, unwanted fat does not always respond to proper diet and exercise. As a non-surgical alternative, we offer our patients Kybella injection treatments to safely and effectively eliminate fat cells in the undesired area.

What is Kybella?

An injectable treatment FDA-approved to improve ones profile by dissolving unwanted fat to help reshape areas like the chin so you can achieve a slimmer appearance to boost confidence. The main ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in your body that helps break down and absorb fat. Deoxycholic acid can break down targeted fat and destroy stored fat cells permanently.

What is the downtime?

This is a non-invasive alternative requires minimal downtime and can return to your usual activities right away. While you should still avoid vigorous exercise after treatment, it will only have to be for three to five days instead of several weeks, which means you can be back to the gym in no time.
After a simple in-office injectable treatments that can take between 15 to 20 minutes. Most experience swelling, bruising and tenderness that can last days to weeks while the tissue is recovering.


These treatments are designed to be long-lasting and permanent. Once a patient achieves their desired aesthetic goals, they should not require any additional treatments, as the fat cells will permanently destroyed.

This treatment is most effective in patients with mild to moderate skin laxity. If your goal is to tighten your skin, you might be a better candidate for an alternative treatment, such as Morpheus8.

Patients achieve the best results when you stay within 10 to 15 pounds of their weight at the time of treatment. Although the fat cells in area will be permanently destroyed, nearby fat cells can become bigger and make the treated areas look like it is carrying extra weight.

What to Expect Pre and Post Treatment?


Unlike surgery, which requires extensive pre-treatment planning, you don’t need to do much to prepare for a non-invasive injectable. Before submental liposuction, you will have to avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight before the day of your procedure. You will also need to take prescribed antibiotics to help prevent infection.

When you are planning to undergo a Kybella treatment, all you have to do is avoid excess salt and any alcohol for 24 to 48 hours before your appointment. It is also advisable to wash your face before coming in and avoid taking any ibuprofen and acetaminophen. You may also consider scheduling your treatment when your schedule is clear of any major events.


After treatment, you can apply an ice pack or Arnica gel to expedite the healing process. It is advisable to sleep with your head elevated for the next two to three nights, and you may opt to wear a scarf or turtle neck until your chin area if you don’t want anyone to know you’ve undergone a cosmetic treatment.

It is best to avoid massaging the treated area, and you should wear a tight wrap around your neck and chin area for a few days. You can shower, wash your face, and apply moisturizers and sunscreen as you usually would immediately after your appointment.

What is the Cost and Number of Treatments?

Typically for patients to reach optimal results they will receive 1-2 vials per treatment averaging 4-6 sessions spaced about every 6-8 weeks apart. On average, a vial cost $500, but often do package and promos for larger areas and multiple sessions. A consult is best to help determine the cost.

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“Chris is amazing and talented. I’ve had Morpheus done on my legs and face and see a fabulous difference. I trust him with all of my beauty needs—Botox next!”

– Maria Gomez


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